The Seven Doors

There are so many possibilities when considering a fictional world.  If you could choose any of these seven to live in, which one would you choose and why?  How does it unfold?


Short description of each place:

Narnia: Magical world in the Chronicles of Narnia book series where ordinary kids become prince and princesses and the king, who they try to save, is a talking lion.

Neverland: The land where Peter Pan brings three kids from England.  In Neverland you don’t have to grow up and have responsibilities, you can play and dress up forever.  The only downside is the evil Captain Hook.

Wonderland: The dream land where Alice lands when she falls down the rabbit hole.  Wonderland is filled with talking animals and flowers, a disappearing cheshire cat, a mad hatter, and a queen of hearts who tries to get rid of Alice.

Hogwarts: The school for wizards and witches in Harry Potter where Harry faces the struggle between good and evil and has many adventures with his friends, Ron and Hermione.

Camelot: Is the castle and court associated with King Arthur.  It is a place where knights are deemed nobles and princesses are to be saved.

Middle Earth: The continent in which the Lord of the Rings takes place.  The hobbits, men, elves, and valar are on the good side while Melkor along with the orcs and dragons are evil.

Westeros: The continent in which Game of Thrones takes place.  It is ruled by a single political party known as the Seven Kingdoms.