Rant Like Rick!

Everyone has an opinion about something.  Rick Mercer (the guy in the above video) works with CBC and films his “rants” about certain subjects, often about a subject on the news, or something that’s affecting the majority of Canada at the time.  There has been a scholarship put in place called “Rant Like Rick” where students choose a subject that they feel strongly about, or that is affecting their friends or school, and they rant about it like Rick does!  The girl in the video below thinks that certain aspects of graduation is overrated.  Pick a topic that YOU have a strong opinion about… Go ahead, rant like Rick!

Create Your Own: Cinquain

Poetry is used to create feeling and emotion, or a detailed mental image of something, even using very few words.  A cinquain is a type of poem that only has five lines and follows one of three specific formats:

Pattern #1:

1 word

2 words

3 words

4 words

1 word

Pattern #2:

Line 1 – A noun

Line 2 – Two adjectives

Line 3 – Three action words (ending in -ing)

Line 4 – A phrase

Line 5 – Another word for the noun (synonym)

Pattern #3:

Line 1 – Two syllables

Line 2 – Four syllables

Line 3 – Six syllables

Line 4 – Eight syllables

Line 5 – Two syllables

Brainstorm a person, place, or thing you want to write about.  Pick one of these patterns and write a cinquain on the topic of your choice!

Your Expression: Favourite Song

Many of us have our favourite artists and favourite songs that we listen to on a regular basis.  The songs we listen to often say a lot about who we are, but what do we think about the songs themselves?  Using an appropriate subject, write about your favourite song using this outline:

1) What is you favourite song?

2) Give a brief description of what the song is about.

3) What audience do you think the song was intended for?

4) How does the song make you feel?

5) What kind of images does the song produce in your mind?

6) Is there a part of the song that speaks to you emotions more than the rest?  Is this because of the music or a specific lyric?