This Valentine’s: Love Yourself!

Valentine’s Day is coming up, and although it is considered a day for couples, many people do not have significant others to spend it with and treat themselves to candy, movies, or a special trip somewhere instead.  Imagine that you have a day planned out JUST for yourself–you can do anything you want.  What activities might it include and how would it be different from spending the day with others?

23 thoughts on “This Valentine’s: Love Yourself!

  1. This valentines if I had to be with myself I would probably buy my friends or family gift and present, watch a movie and eat some candy. It would be a blast. I think spending some time alone is great even if you don’t have anybody to spend with. One of my favorite things to do on Valentines is to but gift and send cards to my old friends. I would also create some Valentines cookies if I had spent the time alone. I think having your time alone is a good time to think about your life. This Valentines was a blast and I hope next year would be the same

  2. I guess my perfect valentines day would be to a trip to LA and get out of high level. I would probably go shopping and looking all around LA.

  3. If I could do anything for Valentine’s Day, I would have a whole day to myself! In the morning, I would treat myself to a delicious breakfast and watch movies. In the afternoon, I would go to the store buy some chocolates, come home and have a spa day! I would paint my nails, do my hair and lots more fun stuff! Later I’d watch some more movies, and have a delicious dinner. I would stay up really late baking. This is my ideal Valentine’s Day!

  4. If I spent Valentine’s Day by myself I would most likely have a lazy day! However, if I finally got off my butt and did something I would most likely do things I rarely have the chance to do. I would spend the first part of the day laying on the couch in my pajamas watching movies or T.V. shows on Netflix. When I finally decide to move from the couch I would get dressed in my lazy day clothes. I would then go do things to treat myself. Go to the store buy myself lots and lots of chocolate! Being alone on Valentine’s Day would stink so I would eat chocolate to make up for it, chocolate heals a girl. Next I would probably go to the spa, I would usually go with my friends but it’s me being alone on Valentine’s Day. Just because I’m overly obsessed with them some people say, I would go stalk my boyfriends (One Direction), if I could find out where they were. If not I would just go to the One Directions pop up store and buy one of everything of what they are selling of my guy, Louis! That would be how I spent Valentine’s Day by myself.

  5. My perfect day for myself I would go to West Edmonton Mall and get everything I wanted with no cost. I would just do anything id like with no cost at all just a very long fun day! Just for myself.

  6. I would wake up and get someone to make me lunch cause I’d sleep in. Then I would travel to Drumheller and go to the Royal Tyrell Musuem. I would also go to the reptile place and look at the snakes and crocodiles and stuff.

  7. If I could do anything I want on Valentine’s Day, I would first win the set for life lottery then lotto max and lotto 649. Because when you win the lottery you get rich and when your rich everybody wants to be your friend, but I would be mean and say if you weren’t my friend before you’re not my friend now.When I’m done that I will go under my island and I will make a nuclear power plant and a video game research factory where I will spend the rest of the day playing video games

  8. I would spend my valentine’s day with my friends, we’ll got shopping, go to a spa, get our hair and nails done. Cook foods and bake some delicious desserts. We’ll going to have a sleepover, movie night and we would have lots of fun!

  9. if i were alone on valentines day , i would travel somewhere exotic such as mexico. In mexico, i would just lay by the beach and tan all morning. I would then go shopping and treat myself to a fancy dinner. Being alone on valentines day would be nice because you would not have to worry about anyone else other then yourself. This way you do not need to worry about hurting anyone’s feeling or doing something wrong. On the other hand, if you are in a relationship there shouldnt be just one day of the year where thw two of you show each other how much you love each other. You should be showing each other every single day how much you appreciate one another. Although being single on valentiens day has it pros, it would be nice to not be forever alone.

  10. I would wake up in the morning and go have my favorite breakfast. Bacon, Pancakes and eggs. Then go upstairs have a shower and start to pack. Then I would take a plane to Toronto. When arrived in the big city I would get a taxi and drive to the Rogers center and watch the baseball game between the Blue jays and the Boston red sox.

  11. On my ideal valentine’s day, I would go to California. It’s one of those places where you can do anything, from going to the mall, to laying on the beach. Since I’m alone, I would go shopping first, because it is one of the things that make me really happy and I enjoy doing so. After I would go to an amusement park and go on all the roller coasters, and eat churros and those carnival donuts that everyone loves. When I get tired of that, I would go eat at a nice, fancy Italian restaurant, and order spaghetti and devour it quickly. Then I can go back to the hotel and fall asleep later on, watching a movie on the tv. If only I could spend my valentine’s day like that, I would be ecstatic. Not everyone needs someone else to be happy on valentine’s day, although it would nice to meet a cute boy on the way. Juuuust kidding.

  12. Having a day to myself would be amazing. I would treat myself by going to a spa. Then go home and sleep for the rest of the day. I know that sounds kind of boring. But its just a day to relax with peace and serenity.

  13. If I had an entire day to myself without anyone I would take my dirt bike and riding on the snow because thats crazy fun. I would also go on a Ski-dooing trip to Hutch Lake. This would be different then with others because this way no one is telling me what I can or can’t do.

  14. My perfect day
    My perfect day would be going to a spa to get my nails done, eating a fancy dinner, baking something, and having a delicious dessert before going to sleep on a luxurious bed and having a great sleep. It would be different than doing something with someone else, because I wouldn’t have to put up with anything. I could do what I wanted, and not what anybody else wanted. It would be bliss.

  15. My Valentine’s Day is to sleep in and play video games the same thing I did last Valentine’s Day and look after my dog. If you ask me I dislike Valentine’s Day to me it is a waste of time all you do is give each other cards. I don’t like it so don’t ask me.

  16. This Valentine’s Day I want to travel south to a nice and warm city. I want to find a fancy golf course and play a nice and relaxing round of golf. After I want to go around and sight see then enjoy trying some new food. When I finish that, I would like to go and buy myself some new sports equipment and clothes. Then I want to go to a big amusement park or waterpark for a few hours. After all of that I would like to have a big dinner at a nice restaurant to wind down the day. Then to finish off my perfect day I would like to sleep at a huge hotel and think about my great day.

  17. Love yourself!
    If I had a valentine’s day all to myself. I would start by watching TV until midnight, then I’m going to invite my friends for a sleep over. Then I’m going to play basketball all day long. Then I’m going to play Wii and Xbox, then I’m going to watch the oilers game, then I’m going to the keg with my family to have a supper.

  18. This Valentine’s Day I want to play in a hockey tournament and win, watch a hockey game, the battle of Alberta and the Calgary flames win just like always. Then go to the gun range and shoot any gun I wanted like an AK47 or an RPG, go home sit on my couch and play Xbox destroying all my friends at cod and halo 4 or any other game that I’m good at.

  19. I would spend the day just chilling by myself. It would be no different than any other day. I guess I would watch a movie or go out and hang with my other friends that are by themselves too, maybe go out for dinner or take a trip to GP and go shopping there.

  20. Love yourself
    If I had a valentine’s day all to myself, I would start by sleeping in until noon in a $400 hotel room in Edmonton, and then I would get up and have brunch with the Oilers all stars. I would then go with them and scrimmage with them and play basketball with them. I would then watch the Oilers game from the club seats with Stephen Harper. Then I will go to The Keg with the Oilers for a team steak dinner. That is my best idea of a day to myself.

  21. Valentine’s Day.
    If I could do anything I want on Valentine’s Day, I would first win the set for life lottery then lotto max and lotto 649. Because when you win the lottery you get rich and when your rich everybody wants to be your friend, but I would be mean and say if you weren’t my friend before you’re not my friend now. And then I would buy High Level and force all the people that were mean to me, to move out and be homeless. After that I would go and buy skittles company. When I’m done that I will go out to the middle of the ocean and make a giant island with a volcano and make a juristic park, with mythical monsters. When I’m done that I will go under my island and I will make a nuclear power plant and a video game research factory where I will spend the rest of the day playing video games

  22. My Perfect Valentine’s Day
    There are a lot of things that could make my valentine’s day the best ever. To start I would probably sleep in. For breakfast I would try making five chip waffles (chocolate, mint, butterscotch, white chocolate and caramel chips). To go with that, I would make myself a smoothie. The smoothie would probably be my raspberry-orange smoothie or a non-alcoholic pina-colada. After that I would probably invite over a friend or two and do a spa day type thing. I would definitely do my nails. If there was time my friends and I would make and eat some of our home-made peanut butter ice-cream and homemade after eight ice-creams. If there was time when I wasn’t doing anything I would work on my knitting project that I have going. If Emily was available I’d probably want to invite Emily over to help me bake something because she is a baking master. For supper I don’t know what I would have. If high Level had an amusement park I would definitely get there (I’m not going to Edmonton). So overall this is what I would like to do for a dream Valentine Day.

  23. Valentine’s Day
    If I could do anything in the whole world on Valentine’s Day and I wouldn’t have to pay for anything I would go to Paris and eat in a famous restaurant then I would go to Disney land and spend a whole moth there and I would have a special pass so that if the line was long I could just skip all the way to the front of the line. I would try to win the set for life lottery. I would also go and buy a pony and a ferret a bunny and a palmskie. And for my last thing I would go to a magical place and tame a dragon and I would ride it all over the world and I would make it breathe fire all over the people I don’t like

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