Should We Clone Animals?

This is a controversial issue. What are your thoughts on this topic? Should we clone humans?



Cloning is making an exact copy of an organism.
As in the case of Dolly the sheep. With Dolly, a nucleus was taken from a cell from a sheep’s mammary gland. This nucleus was then put inside of an unfertilized cell and then zapped to start cell divisions. The blastocyst was then placed into a surrogate mother and when Dolly was born she was an exact copy of the nucleus donor.

Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) was a female domestic sheep, and the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer.

37 thoughts on “Should We Clone Animals?

  1. I think that we should clone animals because what happens if we lose a loved pet. Another good reason we should clone animals is because we can then rebuild the population of the endangerd or extinct animals

  2. I dont think they should do that because it can be very dangerous.

  3. It would be great if we can clone animals so they won’t go extinct. But cloning humans wouldn’t be as good for the planet because there’s already too much of us living on the planet.

  4. I think cloning is good in some ways and bad in others. I do not think we should clone humans. the reason is we do not know what will happn to the clone and the original person. But i do think we should clone certain animals. All of the endangered animals should be cloned s the species will live on. like for example, the wooly mammoth that they found frozen, i think they should take its dna and clone it. In conclusion, i think scientists should nly make clones for certain reasons

  5. I think cloning is a good idea for somthings but not for people. Theres only one of you born ever thats just you and it should stay that way. As for animals they are diffrent cause most look the same anyway so cloning wouldnt be as bad.

  6. Jordyn. Have you ever had someone close to you die? What if you could have saved them by ending another person’s life? If they had required a new organ it already requires someone’s death, and you could still wait for weeks until a suitable donor croaks. Why not use the donor always available for transplant? Besides, if you were to alter the clone to stunt brain development they wouldn’t be aware of their fate. No it isn’t humane, and no these “people” don’t deserve to die but examine your own life. Do you use fossil fuels, wear clothes or use products from other countries, or even use more natural resources than you really need? If you argue the humanity and ethics of harvesting clone organs then why not question the use of Chinese laborers or oil from the Middle East which warlords currently rule? How about the starving people in Africa who can only dream of the life you live? Humans are not humane. We wage war, kill, steal, take what we want when we can, and come up with our own humanity to convince we are the good guys. Nobody wants to, or tends to think they are in the wrong yet our everyday live require others to suffer. What is the life of one clone, which may not even be sentient, when you don’teven consider the lives of the people who do think and feel pain? You shouldn’t condemn others for wanting to live through others deaths, when your own hands aren’t that clean.

  7. @Marcus H,
    I disagree with you, what if Barack is in danger and a clone goes out and gets murdered? They’re are so much more possibilities with clones

  8. Shaun,
    They use the DNA from the fossils to create the clones. A modern day animal that is very close in genes will usually carry the the egg that has been infused with the DNA.

  9. i do not completly agree with the idea of cloning.we can clone certain animals for resources then it would not hurt the ecosystem over that much but we should not agree to clone humans we are overpopulated and the population would be doubled and we are already using our resources.i think we should clone animals close to extinction,but not to much animals.

  10. I think that cloning isn’t a bad idea, but I think that cloning should only be used for testing, organ donations, and dangerous working like mining. But we don’t need cloning because the earth is getting over populated. But it we could use cloans for the hunger games. And other dangerous sports

  11. casey i dissagree with you because i havent heard of them cloning dinosaurs or mamoths because you need 1 mammoth to clone another and they died over 10000 years ago.

  12. Krystal I totally agree with you if animals are becoming extinct science should clone the animals so they don’t all die off. I also agree with you on that cloning could be dangerous as well.

  13. mathew i like your comment but why would u have to support cloning humans if you support cloning animals. because humans are worth alot more than animals.

  14. I only think cloning would be a good idea if animals were going extinct. I absolutely do not think we should clone people. Everyone is unique, and that is how it should be. I don’t think humans will go extinct. We already have billions of people on the Earth and we would have too many. Imagine how full the world would be!

  15. Yes, because animals are one the main food sources for us humans. If we didnt have animals what would we eat? So yes i believe we should begin to clone animals. Also another thing that is possible is to recreate extinct animals. Imagine it, unlimited food for everyone. Although there is alot of positives, we should engage this idea with percautions.

  16. I think it would be fine if we cloned animals. They are just animals and there are lots out there. And plus if we did successfully clone an animal we could use it for parts for other animals. And they aren’t worth as much as a human life if it’s just and yes I agree we should clone animals.

  17. I believe we should clone animals, but only when we are close to exiction. We should clone animals when we an animal is close to extiction. We should because animals keep the habitat in balance and plus they supply for for us. They have for so long and we want to keep that going.

  18. Jorden but, what if you or someone one you cared about was dieing and need a new lung or something? Would it not be right to take it form a clone made of the same person ? You could make them not grow in the brain but grow in the body.
    They would be made from them so who cares, you would live and they would die. you could live to be in your 100s with this way. Like I said they are you. The only only reson they live is to make you live.

  19. Marcus there is something you need to remember a clone is still a person. They still have a purpose in life. What if that clone created the next big thing that saved our world, you never know is could happen. So if you took their heat for example, they would die, beacause you need a heart to live. Meaning the world would never get to see that clone potentioal.

  20. Cloning is a highly controversial topic. It could be an excellant way to feed starving countries. Mass cloning animals for food and materials. But if you support cloning animals you must also support cloning of humans. Now here arises the great debate over clonig. Is it alright to make a copy of a person and what would you use them for. Some argue to use clones as perfect donors or to replace lost loved ones. Is it humane to harvest living beings for bodyparts? Can a clone ever replace someone you cared for? The answer to both is up to you. Personally I think cloning should be allowed. It is the decision of every single person whether or not to go along with cloning but for those who believe in it, it should be allowed. Clones may not replace loved ones but they can be a source of comfort or a way to fill the space left in your heart. Many argue the humanity of raising clones for donors and they may be right. However if someone of your family were to need a new heart and there were no donors, how far would you go to save them. Would you allow a living person made for harvest to die so that your loved one could live. That person was created for the purpose of saving someone else. They may have a future but so could your loved one. This is why I think it shouls be the choice of every person on whether cloning should be allowed.

  21. I think that we should not clone people because the earth is already overpopulated, that is why the law in China is you could only have two kids for each family.

  22. No I am absolutely against the idea of cloning. It doesn’t matter if it is an animals or humans. It is in no way the right thing to do. Because scientist and other people, strongly believe that clones should be created for the soul purpose of spare parts. So say that science has developed enough that they have moved onto cloning humans. How would you feel if, you knew that you were created for the soul purpose to die? Because you were cloned, for your heart or your brain, or even any other major organ that allows you to live? Who you want that life? Who would want to live know they stole an organ from somebody, before they had a chance at life. Could you live with yourself? I know I couldn’t, having that information would be heavy on my soul. Cloning will only lead to a heap of trouble, it will be much easier to just avoid the whole scene of cloning.

  23. A clone would have no need unless, the one who was cloned needed new parts. A example of this could be a man with a very bad heart problums. This man would likely die unless they were lucky and a orgen doner died at around the time. With clones , you could take that from them.

  24. I agree with Jordan. If we were to clone animals, we would have to clone prey and preditors. Otherwise, one specific species would take over. But I do believe that you can clone pigs or cows just for foood and it wouldn’t harm the ecosystem very much.

  25. I actually disagree Amy,
    They have actually managed to clone mammoths and dinosaurs. They didn’t release them, mainly because they don’t want them going on a rampage or harming anyone.

  26. I think that we should clone animals because if animals are being extinct we can clone them so they won’t be extinct. I also think there should be a limit of cloning animals so there isn’t too much animals. I don’t think that we should clone humans though because the population is big already and it would be doubled.

  27. In a way I do believe in cloning animals because if an animal race becomes threatened, we can save them. There are issues with cloning though; people are power greedy and cloning today could be dangerous to the society today. It would be a new way of life, but why can’t we just save animals and save them without hurting our race?

  28. I think it is weird to clone animals because we wouldn’t know what’s different between two animals. No we wouldn’t because it is impossible to do that and cloned people are in fictional stuff.

  29. I believe we should clone animals, the reason for this is extinction. If we don’t clone animals they may go extinct. If they go extinct we will lose food and a different type of animal. Nobody will ever get to see those animals again. Just like the woolly mammoth, we will only hear stories and see drawings. If we were able to clone the woolly mammoth we would know exactly how they act and look like, and the thought of it will never be gone. So if we can clone animals, decades from now people can still see what that certain animal looks like.

  30. I believe that we should clone animals. There are certain animal species that are in danger of coming extinct. If we clone these, there will be more to view and study. I do not believe that we should clone people, though. The human population is huge and already is running out of resources. Some people may argue that if you die, you’ll have someone to take your spot. I believe there is such thing as destiny and what happens is meant to happen. If you die, you are meant to die and not to have another you in the world.

  31. I dont think we should clone animals because it could open a world of possibilities. Say we cloned more preditors. Prey would run out and the preditors would start attacking humans engaging the world into a blood bath. Besides, if we clone prey too, we are going to run out of room depending on how much we clone. I believe that if we left the world to its natural course and stop killing off animals, we wouldnt have to lean towards cloning animals we will probably kill again. To me its pointless and unnatural.

  32. Yes. Because, animals are one of the most important things in the world, they supply is with food and they also keep habitat in balance, cloning animlas, we could make new animals. Clone a Polar Bear and put him in the desert, see what happens. Making new/cloning animals would be a great invention, but so far as cloning humas, it couldnt be a great idea. Human beings are special, even cloning celeberties and athletes would still be weird, they’re would not be any originality, and the world would become boring, and also it would become very dull.

  33. I think cloning is a great idea.
    but like all experiments and ideas, it should be explored with caution.
    Such an innovative idea, the thought of cloning. Knowing that we have already been able to clone dinosaurs, we could create and splice them to make dragons.
    A possibility to create our own aliens, have pets that are out of the ordinary, and create stronger creatures to help us with agriculture and security.

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