School Uniforms

In some  schools, many teachers and parents have encouraged the school to adopt a school uniform/ dress code. Some teachers and parents support a dress code because they think it will improve the learning environment in the school. Other teachers and parents do not support a dress code because they believe it inhibits a student’s individual expression. In your opinion, should  schools adopt dress codes for students?

28 thoughts on “School Uniforms

  1. I don’t think there should be dress codes in school. Kids should be allowed to wear what they want. There is already a limited amount of freedom within many schools, so I think the school should at least give them the freedom to wear what they want.

  2. I don’t think schools should have uniforms, because it blocks out the chance for the student to be who they are. Wearing a uniform wouldn’t help me with school, but distract me because I’ll be too worried about what I look like and dissapointed that I can’t wear what I want to wear.

  3. I think uniforms are good because you wake up, and dont have to waste your time picking out clothes. Plus, we already have dress codes now.

  4. I don’t think that students should wear uniforms because some people like to express themselvs with clothes, for example if you’re into like fashion design or something, then they’d probably like to customize their clothes. Wearing the same thing everyday would get pretty boring.

  5. I don’t believe there shoud be schools in which are require uniforms. I think people express their creativity and indivuality through their clothing.

  6. I think there shouldn’t be any school uniforms because we should be allowed to wear what we want to school. Besides, it would be expensive to buy more clothes just to wear at school.

  7. I’m gonna have to say no to school uniforms because then it would take away from every kids own individuality. Looking the same as everyone isn’t unique in anyway. Yes everyone is thinking it will stop bullying but I highly doubt that.

  8. I think that a dress code would be okay. It would make sure that kids dress appropriately. However uniforms may not be a good idea. In the world we live in people have grown accustomed to having choices and freedoms. Even if you were to raise them with things like uniforms, what will they do in however many years when thye have to make their own choices? Picking clothes is a small thing but it allows students to experiment with who they are and learn to make their own decisions about their lives. They experience how it is to make choices and they learn to make the right choice in everyday life. Dresscodes are probably needed so that some kids don’t go to far with clothes but kids still need those choices an freedoms in their life.

  9. School uniforms wouldn’t be a good idea, because some kids would try to change the uniform.

  10. I don’t know what to say I’m sort of on the fence. I mean you wouldn’t take so long in the morning. But it’s not going to solve any problems. Girl’s are still going to be beautiful and guys are still going to be. . . .Guys. So no matter what you do to get uniforms a person’s still going to be themselves no matter what they wear. What counts is their personality.

  11. Another thing to point out is, if we have uniforms, kids might try to make up for the lack of color or personality in there uniforms by caking on makeup. Not only does makeup harm your skin, but it can even be as unattractive or suggestive as clothes.

  12. I dont think that we should get uniforms because most people dont like looking the same as everyone esle. Most people like to be able to have there own choices in what there wear. But it would make a lot of people look better.

  13. I don’t have an opinion on this topic because I am stuck in the middle. I think that having a school uniform takes away your freedom of what you like to wear. Some people like having their own styles to express who they are. I also think that we should have uniforms because there are some girls that have barely any clothes on and some boys have their pants down to their knees.

  14. I totally agree with Casey. Having a uniform would prevent some students from showing too much unnecessary skin. But uniforms also take away from our personality and make us all seem similar, instead of each unique individual.

  15. I believe yes this way it’s one thing less to worry about in the morning. Instead of taking a long time to pick out clothing in the morning. You won’t have to worry about spending a bunch of money on new brands of clothing. You will only have to worry about spending a fair amount of money on the school uniforms. People may make a big reaction to having to wear school uniforms, but when it comes to sports there are certain which they have to wear anyway to show respect to your school. Most guys wear their pants down to their ankles, girls who wear barely any clothing. If the guys can pull off the uniforms just like the picture I’m 100% with the uniforms. You could style the uniforms to your own liking, as long as they are still appropiate. You wouldn’t have to worry about getting bullied for not wearing expensive clothing. Yes to school uniforms is a good idea in my opinion.

  16. I am on the fence on whether or not I’d want school uniforms. I wouldn’t like them for the fact that clothes help you express yourself. You can tell someone’s personality by what colors they wear and whether or not they care about what others think by wearing name brands. On the other hand, if we had uniforms at our school it would save some kids a lot of time in the morning. It would also save parents money by only have to purchase the mandatory clothes instead of having to fallow of expensive trends.

  17. I dont think that we should have any school uniforms at all, because there would be no freedom in that. Students won’t be able to express themselves through wearing what they want to school everyday.

  18. Pros: School uniforms can take out bullying about style, and people will be truly known. Clothing makes a person as much as anything else, if you have “swagger” or you rock walmart clothes, it doesn’t matter, because you are all dressed alike and every persons real personality comes out.
    Cons: Individuality is taken out and people arent unique any longer, also people might not agree and rebel.. you never know.

  19. In a way, schools should have school uniforms because if the teachers let us dress in our own way, we could be dressing under our already appointed dress code. School uniforms also make some people who are bullied about what they wear feel better. Uniforms make everyone look the same and no one can make them look better than anyone else. But then again if the school didnt have uniforms, we would express our idividual personalities and express who we are through our clothing. So i guess I dont really know if we should have uniforms. Thats what I think.

  20. No, I do not think students should have to wear school uniforms. Everyone is unique and different and we should have the power to choose our own clothes. But I do think students should have some sort of dress code, because I don’t think people should have to see what should be covered.

  21. In my opinion, it would not be nice to force someone to adopt dress codes for students because everyone has the freedom to wear anything they want.

  22. No, because students ahould be able to wear whatever they want. when you force students to wear certain clothes, its like taking away their freedom and their place to express themselves. students should be able to express themselves in any way they can

  23. I honestly don’t know.
    I am more siding to No Uniforms because being original is harder. But at least it means some of the girls will not be dressing as risque as usual.
    But I believe uniforms take away originality and ‘feel’ of a students confindence. Sometimes school is a place where people can show off their new clothes and accesories.

  24. I think we should be able to wear whatever we please because if everyone dressed the same we couldnt express who we really are. Everyone would just look the same all the time .

  25. I think that students should be able to wear whatever they like, because it does make individual exspession and it lets the kids have control over somthing. Students should be able to exress them selves in the clothes they wear.

  26. In my opinion, I believe that students should not be forced to wear certain clothes. Peopl should be able to dress in their own unique way. I think everybodys unique and if they all wear the same clothes it would be pretty boring. So in short, I think schools should not make kids wear uniforms

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