Highlights of Our School Year!

Many people believe that they could never write a story. How far that is from the truth. Stories weave their way throughout our days. They are made from the simple events that mark our journey on this trail called “life”. People like to share their stories and tell about the lessons they have learned. Your memories, however small or insignificant they seem to you, have the makings for a great story.

Write a about your 2011-12 school year. What memories will you take with you into the future? Please write a about some highlights from your classes this year. What were some funny things that happened? Did you love learning about anything in particular?

What will I remember? There’s so much….. the sharing of books stand out, blogging,having both Lois Lowry and Lois Duncan on our blog and David Ross of course…….but mostly…… I will miss all of you and our time spent learning together!
Have a wonderful summer……safe travels and happy times!

Students in Bolton, Ontario, it was great connecting with your class! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer! I hope we connect again next school year.  

Please come visit me next year grade 9s ….I will miss you!

Every year is a new adventure.


54 thoughts on “Highlights of Our School Year!

  1. One of my most memorible moments
    would be playing Hide and go seek in the hotel room with Dominique.
    Another great memory was Tysons “Hilarious cat jokes”.
    Overall great year another great Experience

  2. “Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose.”
    This year or class made a lot of memories, whether we were all together or if it was only a few of us. Things like the food drive at Christmas, class parties, or just joking around during class made this year very enjoyable. For the food drive our class blew the competition away, with the hundreds of packages of noodles we bought (we got a little competitive.) Mrs. Bailey was very generous with the class party year, whether it was rewarding us, or just for fun. Also in class we had some hilarious moments, as anyone would, but they just made the year better. This year was so busy, but went by so fast. (Time flies when you’re having fun.)
    I would like to thank Mrs. Bailey for the most amazing school year ever. I’m sure everyone had a lot of fun, and I’m glad you were my teacher. 🙂

  3. The year of 2011-2012 was an eventful one. There were many things I will remember such as the class discussions had, or friends that moved away. In Language Arts there are many memories I will keep. One of them being arriving at class and finding out that one of Mrs. Bailey’s previous students completing a novel and publishing it. Another memory that stays in my mind is the one day where we acted for one period during class. Asides from school there were other things happening throughout the year. This year my cousin had graduated making it the third family member of mine that has graduated. There was also having my brother gone to university. These memories and many others are ones I will treasure for the future while adding more every year.

  4. Honestly, I liked this year it was a good year I came here with my friends and leaving with them 🙂 and I loved learning everything and had Mrs Bailey 2 years in a row and which was a great plus and I met a new teacher. I loved this year I love having Mrs Bailey she was so nice and hillarious, I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and please all travel safetly.

  5. This year went by faster than usual. Although I did make new bros to chill and skate with. I only like a few teachers this year but none were horrible. But I had a pretty nice time in grade 9 and am pulling through till Grade 10.

  6. This year was really awesome. Being put in a class with people, I didn’t really know, was a good idea. I made a lot of new friends..bestfriends even, though some of my classmates were really annoying and irritating.(Not gonna name people). Other than that, volleyball,basketball and track were really good. I’m going to miss my coaches for basketball, but ‘ll have the memories. I also had good laughs with teachers, and they taught me a lot. Overall it was good.
    P.S.- Basketball trips were good, with a lot of not so great memories, cause of certain people…Dakotah CRIED…
    Peace ! 🙂

  7. My school year was okay. I had lots of laughs with Ryan M and Andrew.
    Mostly because Andrew and I were picking fun at Ryan M , but its all good. He can take it!
    I remember when I got 15% on a math test, that taught me to always at least try all the questions because if you don’t you will get 15%.
    I also remember making the Badminton playoffs in our first year (Andrew and I, double). We destroyed a team 21-4 and than lost in the bronze medal game. We took 4th place, but its okay because we did better than Wyatt and Dillon who finished 5th.
    It has been a long year, but grade 10 will be harder.

  8. I had alot of great times this year. I loved playing on the volleyball, basketball, and track team. I am going to miss all the people that are still in junior high next year. My class was good, but annoying at times. We had alot of laughs. And argued also. The teachers were just lovely though.

  9. This school year has been………interesting. I am looking forward to going to senior high and getting the things I need to be sucessful in my future. This year has been very rushed and I really hate when we are still trying to learn things at the end of the year before PATs. I hope the grade 9s next year have a much easier time and are not rushed though the year. I wish you the very best, have a great summer! 🙂

  10. I had a awesome year there were some ups and downs but it all worked out good made new friends and had a blast this year went by fast and wish every one else has a awesome summer and look forward to seeing you next year. 🙂

  11. this year was one of my best! i had so many great memories with my bestfriend Shae, and my new bestfriend jennifer. shae is really outgoing and fun to hang out with and jennifer is a really great person, and is so funny. Jennifer is the reason why i joined basketball this year, and i am happy i did because i loved it! when shae, jen and i are together there is never a moment when not one of us are smiling! so much happened this year but whats important is that i had a great time i met new friends and i love them <3

  12. This year was great. I had a great time here at HLPS grade 9 classes. I hope I will have a great summer:). I can’t wait for grade 10 next year.
    I hope that everyone will have a great summer and have a great year next year.
    Everyone has great ideas for next year.
    have a great summer.

  13. – It was a hot summer day when Cee-Jay and I were going for a walk through Bushe River Rez. A while later we went for a stroll to town, and as we were walking to town, we seen an IPhone lying there on the cemented path, she went to go check them out. She came running toward me full of joy : D as we checked out both the IPhones we found that it had quite a few apps on it. And it turns out that they were still good, never used. We unlocked the IPhone and checked out all the apps that we had found on their, as we were staring at the screen, we kept walking forward. :p

    THE END.

  14. This year has been very fast and fun and looking foward for the quad system. Only 3 years till we graduate which will be awesome as heck.

  15. My Last month here was very amzing (: . I had a great time since i was here. The school is amazing here i cant wait till next year 🙂 . Next year is going to be so amazing i cant wait 🙂 Have a Great summer everyone 🙂

  16. This class was a great one, with lots of jokes and teary laughter, im really going to miss this one. We may get in trouble a lot and interupt our teachers, but once in a while we all joke about it (teachers included)
    Next year is going to be a big change because everyone is moving to a new school with tonnes of new people, so there’s probably a .0012 chance that i will end up with any of my good friends in my class. Im going to miss this class, it was a good one.

  17. This year has been one of the best. Amazing teacher. Favourite part was making friends with the people i thought never liked me. Another favourite part was becoming closer with my friend that already were. Sadly were in grade 8 and its our last year. Not all of us are moving to the same high school together, but im just glad i got to spend the time i didnt with them. Ill miss this school and the people and teachers. Iloved blogging and getting to know people all the way in alberta, i thought i was pretty neat. Ill miss everyone.

  18. Ocean: I think this summer has gone by very fast, but at the same time very slow. Its been a really great year and I’m going to miss it. I’ll defiantly remember the millions of different things me and my friends laughed about. Our awesome adventure in Kensington, and other great field trips.
    I’m going to miss the strange and completely off topic conversations in math class, the African drum songs my friends and I made up in music, and many other things. I’m defiantly going to miss the strange and funny situations me and my friends ended up in, and all the inside jokes and short funny stories we’d make together. But at the same time I’m happy the year is up. I can start a new adventure in Highschool, I will still see all my friends and meet new ones as well.
    I hop I can enjoy the rest of my school years as much as I enjoyed this year at Allan Drive. 🙂

  19. This grade 8 year was great I learned new things and got to be with my friends in my class. Next week the grade 8 students get to go Ottawa. Allan Drive is a good Middle school I met new friends in the past 3 years and I can’t wait to hang out with them in the summer. I am going to miss the teachers at Allan Drive.

  20. This year was really fun . It was really nice blogging with you, have a great summer!!

  21. grade 8 has been amazing and was full of unforgettable memories. Blogging with you guys was fun ! Hope you all have an amazing summer 🙂

  22. This year was the best year out of the 3 years i’ve spent at Allan Drive. Throughout the year many wonderful memories have been made, and that I will never forget. Even though I am nervous to move to high school, I am looking forward to the new experiences. Have a great summer!

  23. I enjoyed bloggingg with you guys. It was fun getting to blog with people in another part of Canada. I hope you people have a good summer. 🙂

  24. I have to say that our class is amazing! We have had many good times, and shared good memories. There are always times were a good ‘shut up!’ was needed to calm our wild, and raging class. Even in the most serious situations, the class always finds away to make it more comforting. Not everyone get’s along, but in this co-operative class we all find a way. I believe that once we leave, we tend to forget little things and move on. But I know I will always remember my great class for a long time.

  25. This past school year was great I learned many new things and was able to be apart of a huge poverty assembley with my class mates at the E Fair we were able to raise over seven hundred dollars for Kiva.

  26. This year was very fun, but I am excited to go to Newfoundland this summer so I don’t think I’ll be too sad. Haha.

  27. I really liked the grade 8 school year because there are many things that we we have accomplished throught the year. One of those wonderful things is raising money for Kiva. I have enjoed using the blog to connect with your school and it is somting that i will always remember. I wish i could have tried harder to keep my grades up. I really liked all of the books we read together such as shattered and the outsiders.

  28. This school year has been absolutely amazing. I have learned so much through my wonderful teachers, who in some miraculous way were able to stay sane through all our over the top crazy classes. The memories that I have created this year will last me a life time. Or at least till the end of summer when we come back to school and start creating brand new ones. I remember sitting in the halls eating lunch, or at least trying to because we were laughing so hard from inside jokes or from the boys just being boys. Gym riots, well the name says it all. The laughing, screaming, yelling, and the pure out fun. Or all the sprit days, with the crazy hats and backward cloths, crazy painted faces. The bottom line is this school year was unforgettable, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have even learned to accept Mr. Marcus, for who he is, despite the annoying comments.

  29. This was an ok year but I wish I could have started it different. I wish I would of try to get more done though out this year. Like get more of my work handed on time. But other than that it was a good year, the class were fun, the teachers were great, and the projects were ok. But one thing is for sure I will definitely trying harder next year.

  30. this year was fast and not much to talk about.every day was an average day.learn,break,learn,lunch,and so on for the year.walk around the hallways during my breaks and lunches.this was an average year.

  31. I didn’t mind this school year. I liked all of the teachers that taught me and I would like to thank them for helping me learn new things. There were many silly and funny things that happened in class. There were also some times when I got bored but I was still had some fun throughout the year. I won’t forget the memories I had in Grade 8.

  32. The school year of 2011-2012 was a great year with awesome friends. I’ll probably always remember the…interesting lunch periods on the bench with my friends. I bet we talked and joked more than we ate, always laughing and happy. I love Mrs.Bailey because she is so funny. Everyone beware if she says she’s going to tell you a secret! I also love how Mrs. Fordham tells us her stories. We always get a good laugh, and you usually hear Taryn laughing long after. Even though for the most part, the year was great, we all know who can drive us up the wall in seconds. This year, I have gotten back with old friends and still hang out with my life long friends. Practically every one of us has mixed up Mrs. Fordham, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Baileys names frequently. My class always laughs, and more than once teachers have joined in. Ms.Plummer has given all of us girls a life lesson…haha. You guys know what I mean 😀

  33. I loved the Language Arts section and Social Studies was especially fun this year! I need to work on my Math a little bit more if I want to be Graphic Designer or an Artist of any sort. I didn’t like the fact that the class was loud and intolerable this year, but the class was great otherwise! (My opinion) I’m kind of scared of the Finals/P.A.T.’s, I hope Grade 10 will go good for me, but Grade 9 WAS said to be the hardest year after all. I’ll try visit the blog as much as I can next year. This year was good, I never had any nicer and funnier class mates!

  34. Sadly there are very few things that I remember about this year. One thing I do remember about this year is listening to the Outsiders. Another thing is that I remember learning how to do a Prezi for a social studies assignment. One more thing I remember doing is the math assignment that you had to go around to classes handing out questionnaires. Other than that I remember doing boring stuff in classes.

  35. This year has gone by very fast and been a fairly good year. It has had its up and downs just like every year and the next couple of weeks will most likely be the longest of the year. For me one of the most memorable events of the year was most likely Grease and all the practice and time put into it. I have also done my share of volunteering which weirdly enough has been quite fun from campaigning, serving and helping at the coffee shop. Volunteering does pay off helping with a campaign taught me about different procedures and allowed me to meet or talk to a lot of cool people who had very strong opinions and there was also the waiting time period we had at one of the hotels in town I never knew so many things could be deep fried. Serving at grad let me eat some awesome food and see all of the grads dressed up along with hanging out with all the other amazing servers. The coffee shop has been tons of fun I have gotten a bit better with money and have been able to sample all of their new foods and the ones they already served. On top of all that deliciousness I also get to go to Peace River with the life skills class and with a few of the other volunteers. My class this year has also been a pretty awesome class I have had a blast hanging out with all of them.

  36. The best memory would be during Volley ball season. I loved playing, & had a great time playing with my team mates. Although this school year has gone by so fast, I had a pretty great last year of Junior High. I’ve made a lot of memories that I will keep with me forever. Although the school work was boring and most of the classes as well, I had some fun throughout the year. I’ve made a couple new friends, and caught up with some old ones. I can’t say I’m going to miss this school year; I’m really excited for school to be out, but If I had to name something I’m going to miss it would be Mrs. Bailey’s Language Arts class which is also my home room. She is the best! I loved being in her class, we always had such a great time in her class, laughing and joking around with her. I loved having her as my teacher. She always found some way to make us laugh with her crazy but funny ways. This year wasn’t the best but it was pretty great! 

  37. This year was certainly a memorable one. I think we had a great class this year and almost every day was fun. We probably did more laughing and fooling around then work…..but it was very entertaining in the end. There was worrying about things like tests, and laughing about things we did to annoy teachers, and each other. We had a lot of people come and go, ok more go, but we won’t forget them. Next year we will be going into senior high and everything will be different but I think it will be just as good. I hope everyone has a great summer!

  38. This year has been a good year, from hanging out with my boys, to being in class sleeping. Language arts were alright, from what I remember. Although it was my first year here, I’ve learned a lot in class. Just kidding, I don’t remember half the stuff that was taught to me. The best part of the year has to be the time spent with my bros. Couldn’t ask for better. All the weekends, all the regrets, and all the laughs. This will be continued next year. I probably will not be back to visit. But we’ll see. (smileyface) Mrs. Bailey was a good teacher, always supplying us with snacks and such. Probably will not be forgotten.

  39. The one thing that I will take from Language Arts was reading the Giver. The Giver was a great book, I look forward to reading the next book in the series. It made the year fast, cause that book took quite awhile so every class I would come in and be excited to read The Giver. The year went by so fast, like it was so fast, and I’m glad its almost over. Although, its been a fast year, some of the memories I will keep will last a lot longer than that. Mrs. Bailey was the best L.A teacher I have ever had, she will be included in a lot of the memories I will keep. Mrs. Bailey made the year go by really quickly and really helped me grow as a student. She is the best L.A teacher ever.

  40. There are so many things I will remember from the years I have spent with all of you but, I would say that this was the best one.
    Some of the best memories were being in classes with this messed up class. Some of the best times thought were when me and Mattew would play Yugioh and I would all most all ways win but, Mattew would all ways try again later. Sadly I will be moveing home to Newfoundland at the end of the month so, to all of you i wish you a very good summer and a happy Grader 9.
    P.S. I will still be keeping tabs on the blog

  41. Best memory would be during basketball season, when this guy hit a buzzer beater 2 from inside the three point line to tie it up and send it into overtime. I was so surpised, but the fans were saying it was a three? I argued even with the people on the bleachers and we went into sudden death. The first one to score wins. We win the tip, Isaac misses a WIDE open layup, but I wasnt giving up. The Dino’s came down on the fastbreak and me and Joey shut down the driver. Joey gobbled up the board and outlet it to me. I passed it up to shaun who drove b aseline, came back around the net and passed to me at the top of the three. It was one on one with the guy who was defending me. I threw up a pumpfake and he jumped. Losing mistake. I drove the lane against a 6’1 big man. I scopped up the ball, faked a pass and barely made a layup under his arm. I pulled a Jordan and put my bent elbow in front of me, I won the game and everyone cheered. Then Shaun went up to the bleachers and said “No cheers far us?” And shut them up. That tournement was proabably the best memory this year.

  42. This year was amazing! There were so many jokes between my friends and teachers! I will never forget playing Volleyball with Shannen, Morgan, and Kaylen at lunch time. Also Ms. Bailey being crazy is something no one can forget, it happens every day. I loved learning Math and English with my teachers, they made classes enjoyable and easy to learn. Every lunch break a group of friends sit around our locker area and its none stop laughing. Its jokes after jokes, no one is afraid to speak up and have fun! Taryn is a hoot to be around, she never stops smiling and cracking jokes, then there is Shannen she is a really good Volleyball player and fun to talk too, also there is Jordyn she is always reading but when you get her away from the books she knows how to have a good time. Victoria is really smart and always has good advice; she’s very nice and funny! I have so many best friends it’s hard not to be happy and smiling! It’s going to be hard not seeing them this summer but I can’t wait to see them next year, there are so many memories and jokes I will never forget!

  43. This year was full of many fun moments including all the inside jokes, throwing pencils at each other and mostly all the embarrassing moments and funny moments. Some embarrassing moments where like when you randomly start laughing because you thought of something or your big sister saying things to embarrass you. Throwing pencils kind of got annoying after a while but in the end it was fun. Some funny things are when you and your friends are laughing at an inside joke and people look at you puzzled saying what’s so funny but you can’t tell them because you are laughing so hard, also when the guys made fun of Taryn as a joke. Over all this year was wonderful and we have had many other good moments that I can remember.

  44. This year went fairly well other than some really irritating people. Some things are funny but when you over do things it just plain annoying. Some examples would be when a someone keeps saying nonstop at everything “are you kitten me right meow” or “you got to be kitten me right meow” and one more “sarCATstic.” Some day they might just be a cat lady, oops I mean man. When people throw things at other gets really frustrating and it hurts when you get hit with the object. When people make fun of you can get really annoying, especially when it is the total opposite of the person getting bugged. But over all we eventually get over it. So other than those irritating people we had a great year. Some inside jokes, are always the best when the middle of class a part of it get brought up even when those people don’t get it, the people that do just laugh like crazy! Some inside jokes are on me and some of my friends, some really aren’t funny but others are pretty hysterical. When things come out of the blue, and it sounds funny, gets everyone laughing sometimes even the teacher. It really doesn’t help when your class mates (and even myself) are very sick minded. So over all this was a very fun year, but it could be better. But most of all I can’t wait for summer!

  45. A few of the big things in my grade 8 year were the basketball and volleyball season and my crazy friend Marcus. Basketball is an awesome game already but with the hilarious antics of my team it was even better. It may not have been good for our game but it was awesome hanging out at the hotels during tournaments, especially with Isaac who set up traps while we slept to trip us up. I had a lot of great times on the trips. I still remember when we were practicing volleyball in the courtyard and it ended up as a free for all turtling fight. And then there is Marcus. He is probably the funniest, oddest, craziest person I know. He is always there to add in some irrelevant fact about his trading cards or whatever manga he is reading. He sometimes had some different ways of seeing the world, but with him it was never a boring day. I am going to miss the friends I made over the summer and a few that won’t be back next year but I had a great time in grade 8 and I can’t wait to see what grade 9 holds for me.

  46. This year went by so fast, this year was kind of boring. It wasnt very exciting,it was go to class, break, go to class, lunch, more class, another break ect… But it was a good year.

  47. 8M was an amazing class. With the exception of some truly annoying people throwing pencils, making cat jokes, or being just plain petty, this is a great group of kids. There have been days when we feel like poking each other in the eyes or yelling at each other to shut up but in the end, it will all come down to the fact that this is our class, and these are the people we with have to go to school with for the next 5 years, so its best not to do anything too rash. There are so many inside jokes, like Taryn’s Tuesday, or Jordan and her dog, that just bring us closer to each other as a group of kids. Even Marcus, the child that we wish we would duct tape his mouth some days, or use him as an Aztec sacrifice, really makes this year, a memorable one.

  48. I enjoyed my grade eight year of school(11-12). Some of the highlights I will never forget is making different friends and creating a stronger bond with the ones I have.I will never forget twin day when Jordyn proposed to Jordan and when Matthew proposed to Marcus.I won’t forget the many stories I’ve heard not only from Mrs.Bailey but my freinds also. Blogging was always fun; having the option to do school work in a different way. I will never forget the clumsy moments between Krystal and Taryn. I will remember the past and the present of this fun-filled year.

  49. I will take the time we read The Giver and Locked in Time.I liked leaning about the story writing mountain and how to write a story. The funny parts in the year was when Marcus was playing the father during a role read of the books we read this year. When Marcus forgot what part he was reading or couldn’t read a word he would ticked with himself in front of the whole class. My highlights were to write more stories for my cousins to read at the family campout and I ended up writing 6 stories this year. I hope next year will be as good as this than this year.

  50. My 2011-2012 school year was an eventful one. The time flew by so quickly with all the good memories I shared with my classmates. An example of a good time is today when Vic brought in this book called “Gordon’s got a Snookie”. The whole class enjoyed it and we all laughed at it. It started off the day very nicely. Though there are many other times that are really good. Like at lunch sometimes we make big jokes and start food fights with grapes but not all the time. Those are rare but funny memories. In class we talk a lot. Enough to drive our teachers crazy, not enough to be called their worst class. We have heard that we are their best class at times. Which just makes us laugh our butts off. Then there is all the stuff the boys get up to in the class. Talking, joking, laughing, distracting the teacher, getting kicked out of class, throwing objects, and asking the girls for help in math. Sometimes it makes everyone want to pull their hair out but in the end we all enjoy the day. It’s what makes our class our class. Amazing and annoying. These are the days and memories I want to remember throughout the summer. And stuff I want to share next year. There’s a big chance we will all be in the same class again.

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