Highlights of Our School Year!

Many people believe that they could never write a story. How far that is from the truth. Stories weave their way throughout our days. They are made from the simple events that mark our journey on this trail called “life”. People like to share their stories and tell about the lessons they have learned. Your memories, however small or insignificant they seem to you, have the makings for a great story.

Write a about your 2011-12 school year. What memories will you take with you into the future? Please write a about some highlights from your classes this year. What were some funny things that happened? Did you love learning about anything in particular?

What will I remember? There’s so much….. the sharing of books stand out, blogging,having both Lois Lowry and Lois Duncan on our blog and David Ross of course…….but mostly…… I will miss all of you and our time spent learning together!
Have a wonderful summer……safe travels and happy times!

Students in Bolton, Ontario, it was great connecting with your class! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer! I hope we connect again next school year.  

Please come visit me next year grade 9s ….I will miss you!

Every year is a new adventure.


54 thoughts on “Highlights of Our School Year!

  1. There’s been so many great memories this year, joining wrestling and going to wrestling tournaments, meeting new people and making new friends, being able to experience so many different things. This year really has been a great experience for me and probably for everyone else. It really was a great year and I’m hoping that my Senior High years will be even better. Thanks so much for everything you did for us, Mrs. Bailey, and I hope everyone will have a fantastic summer. 🙂

  2. It makes me smile when I look past on all the things we went through this past year. After all the time that I spent with Mrs. Bailey, I will always know how to spell onomatopoeia 😛 I made new friends, and hung out with familiar faces. I can’t wait for next year, but I will never forget this one 😀

  3. – This year was alright, coulda went to all my classes this year though. I am very excited for the summer and to be in grade 10; there are a lot of unforgettable memories that I will remember. This year also went by so fast. This is my last year in Jr. High and it was great! Have a great semmer! 😀

  4. This year was alot of fun. I’ve had some good laughs with my class, and some not so good times. Even though some of my classmates were really annoying and irritating.(Not gonna name people). Its a little bit scary to think that I’ll be graduating in only 3 years. Hopefully everyone has a great summer.

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