Letters to Collin McNally




A Prince Edward Island mom who posted on social media about how she had been forced to pull her son out of school because of years of relentless bullying says she is overwhelmed by the amount of support she has received online.

14-year-old son, Collin, has been a victim of severe verbal and physical bullying for more than seven years at school.

He has  endured many injuries, including bruises on his trunk from being repeatedly thrown into a urinal, and marks around his neck from being hung by his hoodie at school. His mom also showed a photo of his teeth that had to be wired back into place because they had been knocked out with a metal thermos.

Two weeks ago, she said her son finally fought back and punched one boy in the face. Then, last Thursday, police escorted her son home after they had received a call that 20 teens had gathered at a local hockey rink to watch her son get beaten up. She said police prevented the attack but the incident was so frightening to her and her son that she chose to remove Collin from school.

“My son is my best friend and I cannot watch him suffer anymore,” she said.

She added in another post that she has no interest in naming the other students involved.


Write a letter to Collin to let him know that we are thinking about him. 

Yes or NO to School Uniforms at HLPS?


  Choose a position and back it up. Do you agree or disagree with students having to wear school uniforms? Write a well written paragraph explaining you position on this issue.

  Read your classmates’ position and discuss with them on this site, why you agree or disagree with them. Ask them questions about why they have taken their position.