A Great Year!


Wow, time really does fly. I remember our first day in September as if it were yesterday. Everything that we have experienced together is now a part of our life experiences, and therefore a part of whom we are. Each and every one of you have been part of this slice of my life. You have made me smile, laugh out loud, become frustrated, lay awake at night, get up in the morning and come back and try again. You have made me smile some more, you have touched my soul and you all have made me into a better teacher than I was before. I hope you take away something special from our year together. Remember, we are not all made the same and we need to be tolerant of individual differences and embrace diversity.

If you are moving away this summer or if you are going on to senior high, I wish all the best for you. Stay in touch. Connect with us on the blog when you can.

Do your best for that person you look at each morning in the mirror and before you go to bad at night. They deserve it!
For those of you that I will teach again next year, I cannot wait to see the great things that we will accomplish together!
Ms. Bailey

Highlights of Our School Year!

Many people believe that they could never write a story. How far that is from the truth. Stories weave their way throughout our days. They are made from the simple events that mark our journey on this trail called “life”. People like to share their stories and tell about the lessons they have learned. Your memories, however small or insignificant they seem to you, have the makings for a great story.

Write a about your 2011-12 school year. What memories will you take with you into the future? Please write a about some highlights from your classes this year. What were some funny things that happened? Did you love learning about anything in particular?

What will I remember? There’s so much….. the sharing of books stand out, blogging,having both Lois Lowry and Lois Duncan on our blog and David Ross of course…….but mostly…… I will miss all of you and our time spent learning together!
Have a wonderful summer……safe travels and happy times!

Students in Bolton, Ontario, it was great connecting with your class! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer! I hope we connect again next school year.  

Please come visit me next year grade 9s ….I will miss you!

Every year is a new adventure.