Letters to Collin McNally




A Prince Edward Island mom who posted on social media about how she had been forced to pull her son out of school because of years of relentless bullying says she is overwhelmed by the amount of support she has received online.

14-year-old son, Collin, has been a victim of severe verbal and physical bullying for more than seven years at school.

He has  endured many injuries, including bruises on his trunk from being repeatedly thrown into a urinal, and marks around his neck from being hung by his hoodie at school. His mom also showed a photo of his teeth that had to be wired back into place because they had been knocked out with a metal thermos.

Two weeks ago, she said her son finally fought back and punched one boy in the face. Then, last Thursday, police escorted her son home after they had received a call that 20 teens had gathered at a local hockey rink to watch her son get beaten up. She said police prevented the attack but the incident was so frightening to her and her son that she chose to remove Collin from school.

“My son is my best friend and I cannot watch him suffer anymore,” she said.

She added in another post that she has no interest in naming the other students involved.


Write a letter to Collin to let him know that we are thinking about him. 

13 thoughts on “Letters to Collin McNally

  1. Dear, Collin

    I am so sorry for what had happened to you, I want to let you know that school is not your life. In the matter of time will those bullies matter to you? You shouldn’t feel bad about yourself, you are worth living, God gave you this kind of life because he knows you’re strong enough to handle it and pull through it. Suicide is a permanent decision to a temporary situation. Don’t give up on life, you are strong enough to get through it. You will make it if you just look at the bright things in life and not worry so much about the bad things. Who cares what other people think of you or if they bully you, they are just bored of their own life. So please if they made your life sad or miserable, don’t make it miserable yourself. So please don’t give up hope and keep smiling.

  2. Dear collin,
    I’m sorry for what has happened to you being bullied and all that. Like why do people have to do this right? Yeah..stay strong. keep your head up buddy.

  3. Dear Collin,
    I am so sorry to hear what is happening to your life, but you were put on this planet for a reason. I bet the bullies were here to show people to stick up for themselves. But our class is sticking up for you so don’t give up and never ever listen to anything the bullies say. The bullies have problems too. 🙂

  4. Dear Collin McNally,

    Even though I’m only 12 years old, I know what you are going through. I’ve never been through this, but some of my friends have. You can say that I grew kinda poor with me and my mom, sister, and brother. I grew without my dad and still to this day I don’t know who he is. You’re going through worse things than me. But people have gone through this before and have made it through. So you can too. Never give up…

    P.S. You can do it.

    Alyssa Lynn Veidt.

  5. Dear Collin,

    I know you’re having a hard time but everything is going to be alright. Take Paris for example all of those people are having a hard time. What I’m trying to say is that you aren’t the only one who is having a hard time. I know because I’ve been bullied too, it is sick that other people do that. Don’t worry because every little thing is gonna be alright.

  6. Dear, Collin
    I hope your okay don’t give up no matter what happens to you. it will get better, life has many ups and downs.

  7. Dear Collin McNally,
    I am sorry for what has happened to you, but it’s not going to happen anymore. Everyone in junior high is writing you an enthusiastic letter to build you up and feel better. I can’t believe people would do that, in my class we don’t even think about that we help each other like a family. My teacher had a friend who had a life in school that was full of bullies but she would rather go there because at her house her father would beat her, one day she was returning her books because she was planning suicide. The bullies took the books and threw them on the floor and walked away. My teacher helped her and invited her to lunch. She decided to not do suicide. after awhile she grew stronger and more independent. At graduation she made a speech, on that day she was planning to suicide but a little kindness helped her get out of the darkness into the light and thanked my teacher. I am 13 years old and am a very happy girl I have great friends and running and art make me so happy I will hope that you will grow up to become a strong and happy person.

    Sincerely, Saydee

  8. Dear Collin,
    Lots of people know your story and that’s why we want to help. I’ve been bullied before and it happens to everyone so you’re not alone. I know at least six people who have helped me with bully problems while it was happening. That’s why I want you to know that my class is here to help. No one should be a bystander, my friend James helped me every time someone bullied me and I helped him.

    By Zain

  9. Dear Collin,
    I am sorry to hear what’s going on in your life but i hope you get better and hang in there.

  10. Dear Collin,

    You are strong you do not need to put up with all these kids.
    If they bug you and bully you just ignore them and walk away, be the bigger person.
    I am so sorry for you and what happened to you hope you get better soon Collin:)
    Everything will be all right! You can power throw it.
    You should get your hope back and believe in yourself and start a new journey and meet new people and ignore those bad people.
    I heard what happened to you in your school I hope you are ok.
    You can do this!



  11. Dear Collin,

    You have a lot of people on your side! So don’t feel like the entire world hates you. Those people who were rude to you? They can’t change who you are. I’m speaking from experience, my friend. Take my advice. Never let others drag you down.
    You are awesome and everyone knows it. Those idiots are just jealous of your awesomeness.

    Don’t give up,

    Bridget from SNCS, Alberta.

    What makes us human is that we fight for others. – Unknown

  12. Dear, Collin

    Everything will be okay if you just believe. Don’t give up hope it will all be better soon. I’ve seen people be bullied before it’s not acceptable, but it still happens. Just know you’re better than the bully, bullies have no heart and no feelings.

  13. Dear Collin
    It’s okay. They’re bullying because they want attention. I’m sorry for what happened to you, you will not have to suffer anymore your parents are helping you through this. You and your family are in my thoughts this will get better I tell you I get bullied to. Your injuries and life will get better. Your in my thoughts.

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