Life Advice

What inspiration do you take from this post? If you could give advice at this time in your life to the the new students coming to grade 7 next year, what would it be?

18 thoughts on “Life Advice

  1. Here’s some advice for the grade 7’s next year:
    1)Take all of your belongings with you from class to class. There are other students that come in and out of that class room too.
    2)Make sure you have all your material for class; binder, notebook, pencil.
    3)It gets a little bit tougher when you get here. Make sure you stay on top of your studies and try your best.
    4)Most of all just be yourself, everyone else is taken.

  2. If I could only give one piece of advice to a kid moving from grade 6 to grade 7 it would be this; LISTEN TO THE TEACHER!!! If you are bored or think what is being taught is useless, STILL LISTEN!!! If you pay attention in class and work hard, there is no reason you shouldn’t be successful in getting high marks. Make sure you are kind to your classmates and they will be kind to you. Don’t do anything that could hurt others just to be “cool.” Put the importance of others before yourself. Don’t pay too much attention to useless things like trying to dress cool or trying to act cool. Just be yourself and your classmates will accept you for who you are. The most important thing, though, is to respect your teachers.

  3. My best advice for next year grade 7 students is to participate in gym are else you will be sent to a seiner high school class and that sucks and if all the girls don’t play there hardest in gym or at least participate the boys will be kicked out of the game and the girls will be forced to play and if you

  4. What advice can I really give to you guys? You made it this far, you didn’t give up, why should you now? You don’t have to be scared; it’s just some people from your old school. Besides, you guys are all really smart, DON’T DENY IT! If I can give you any advice it’s this:
    1. 1. Focus on your studies. It’ll get a little harder through the years so you gotta make you can go on and graduate.
    2. 2. Have fun and relax, just don’t slack off too much. After all the stress from trying to catch up might be a little bit too much for you.
    3. 3. Be yourself. Don’t let anyone define you no matter what. Keep your head held high and walk with pride!
    4. 4. Don’t try to date anyone. You may be in the high school now but that doesn’t mean you have to hurry about getting a date. It really doesn’t matter.
    Well that’s all I can really give to you for advice. I hope you listen well and do awesome here. See you guys next year!

  5. I have lots of advice for the grade 6 coming to this school next fall. First off, always listen to your teacher, even though you might get bored, you should always listen because you could miss something very important that you might need later on. Always respect your teacher, other classmates and the students and staff of HLPS. Never try to change yourself because someone else told you that you aren’t good enough and if you are bullied you should really notify someone you trust like your teacher or parents. the last piece of advice is, always stay organized because if you can’t find your pencil or paper you could get in trouble so, try to keep your locker clean. This advice could really help you succeed in grade 7. Enjoy grade 7.

  6. My advices for the next coming grade sevens would be, be yourself, don’t let others bring you down. Don’t care about what other people think of you. Be kind to teachers. Do your best. Stay in class. Stay positive. “Do one thing that scares you,” Face your fears. Always do your best in school subjects. Play a sport and try your best at it. Enjoy the Rollercoaster that is life.

  7. Advice
    The advice I would give to the brand new grade seven students is listen to your teachers. They are the people that will get you through grade seven. Respect them and do what they say, and never correct them on their work. Be yourself and let others be themselves. Don’t bully and you won’t be bullied yourself. Listen to others and don’t give attitude or you won’t get to grade 8. Stay out of the senior halls.

  8. My advice for the soon grade 7 so come, is to ALWAYS listen to your teacher. Always write notes, and listen what the teacher is saying. Even if you’re bored and don’t want to. If you have a common assement always get ready for it. If your get high % on it, it will help your grades. Bring a reading book to class, or even read something on your phone but ask your teacher if you’re aloud. Always bring the right subject books to class, (Bring paper, pencil, eraser etc.) If you’re late for one minute, you’re late. Always bring P.E outfit, or you will be sent to a high school room. Get ready for sport bring equipment like, skates, swimming suit etc. If you don’t have any you will get skates, but not swimming suit. Career technology always brings pencil, and your project. Don’t bring your phone. Always be friendly to others. That’s the key thing. 1 important thing is to have fun in Grade 7. I promise is going to be a fun adventure!

  9. My Advice
    1. Always pay attention in class
    2. Always listen to the teacher
    3. Always bring a book to class
    4. Never swear in class
    5. Bring your proper binders
    6. Never be on your phone during class time that’s what breaks are for
    7. Never be late
    8. Always bring your gym strip to class you are not allowed to wear jeans and you need proper running shoes.
    9. Don’t skip class you might think your cool doing it but you will get a call home saying you skipped so don’t it’s not cool
    10. And last but not least always be kind to your other class mates.

  10. My advice would be to pay close attention in class because if you dont the teacher could get mad and agectative. Also remember to try your best and dont go speedy quick, go slowly. Usely for tests you get 2 piriods to write. Bring proper stuff for your class. Do NOT bring your phone or else your teacher will take it away. That includes ipods. For outside of class make sure youget your stuff before the next class, go to the washroom, and get a drink. They might let you get or do those thing DURING class but they will get mad. Do NOT ditch or skip classes!! You will get a phone call home and a email saying you missed piriods 1 and 2. Always bring your gym strip to class like shorts or joggers and bring proper shoe were. Thats all my advice. Use it wisley!!

  11. Life advice

    I think that next year`s advice is to listen to the teacher and be nice to your classmates. And to study because you don’t want to fail the year and do not bully other people. In gym you should always participate and listen to the teacher. Don’t talk to your teacher with an attitude either, because it’s rude. If you come to this grade don’t be a bully or you’ll get bullied back.

  12. Advice

    One of my many advice tips for the grade 6 soon to be grade 7 would be don’t let anyone bring you down you are who you are and you can’t change that. Don’t change if someone tells you to, don’t let anyone put you or others down. Stick up for everyone and stay you. Another tip would be to stay on task. Junior High is different from the lower grades. You need to pay attention in class even if you get bored. Stay organize is a key point if you lose your notes or pencil you better find them or your screwed!

  13. My advice to people coming into grade 7 from grade 6 would be,
    -Pay attention in class
    -Make sure you get the amount of education you want to get before moving onto grade 8,If you don’t think you are learning enough, then stay after school and ask the teacher for help.
    -Don’t try and be popular by bullying other people
    -Don’t skip classes to spend time with your friends
    -If you have some kind of problem at home or at school, talk to a teacher about it.
    -Don’t put other people down
    -Be nice to teachers
    -Be nice to class mates
    -If you don’t agree with a teacher’s opinion, talk to your parents about it, don’t start a fight in class.
    -Don’t make fun of other people because of what they like
    -Do whatever you want to do. For example; play whatever sports you want to play, Play whatever games you want to play, Hang out with who ever you want to hang out with, Listen to whatever music you want to listen too, and watch whatever TV shows or videos that you want to watch.
    -Don’t let people bully you, Talk to a teacher or parent about it.
    -Do some kind of sport, it doesn’t have to be an official sport, it just has to be something you will do once or twice a week. For example; running on Tuesday and Friday, or playing catch for 2 hours a week with a family member or a friend.
    -Do one or more fun activity every day, for example; drawing, videogames etc…
    -And just like the video above said, “Do one thing a day that scares you” That way you could get use to that thing and not be so scared of it anymore.

  14. I have lots of advice. First off, you should always respect your teacher, friends, school, and any other people. They deserve the respect. Also pay attention in class because it will definitely affect you negatively some time. Keeping up with your homework is a must because if you don’t do it you will probably get in trouble, and create more problems for yourself too. Don’t talk to your teacher with an attitude either, because it’s rude, they try hard to give you a good education, and I know it’s really hard work being a teacher. The last thing I want to say is study for your tests, don’t be a bully and be confident in everything you do.
    Those who care don’t matter, those who matter don’t care. -Unknown

  15. Good Advice
    I believe that what we can take away from this and the greatest speech by Charlie Chaplin is that if we are the people, we have the right to have power, to make a difference in the world. My advice for the people coming to grade 7 is that if you have the power to change something, change. Make it better and see what it does for different people. If you don’t like something, change it. And if you can’t change the problem, change your attitude. –Maya Angelou. Grade sixers, please don’t come into our school thinking you can’t do something about the world. We all have a voice and it is your own choice whether you use it or not 

  16. My advice to the grade 6 kids moving up to grade 7 is to always listen to the teacher even when it’s not something important they should always listen. They should also not let anyone bully them, if they do they should report it to a teacher or an adult. When they are given notes always study them if you want a good mark on a test or quiz or if you want to tell your parents you got a good mark and make them proud. In gym you should always participate in the game the teacher picks or you’ll be running the rest of the class without stopping.

    My advice to all grade 6 kids moving up to grade 7 is to study well listen to your teacher and don’t let someone bully you because if someone bully your grades might be affected and your self-esteem will go down if someone bullied you report it to the child circle helper there going to help you. Study well always take notes and always study if there’s a test if you get a high mark your parent will be proud of you. And the most important listen to your teacher because if you don’t listen to your teacher you will not understand what is the topic that there teaching to the class your grade will be low too because you’re not listening. So that’s my advice to all grade 6 kids moving up to grade 7 have fun guys study well see you next year !! 

  18. From this post I took that you should not be rude to any one and you shouldn’t care what other people think. My advice to the grade sevens coming up next year would be to not care about others thoughts about you, and if something or someone you don’t like Is being annoying or dumb, just turn the other cheek and walk away.

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