40 thoughts on “Inspiration

  1. We can all be a leader, we but your minds to it. If you know what you are doing you can be a leader. These videos show that anyone can be a leader if they put there mind to it.

  2. These videos are inspiring and touching. They show us what us youth, should be targeting our life towards, and that we can dream big. That we can be anything we set our mind too. Yet, some people more than others. That doesn’t mean, everyone shouldnt’ try, and these videos even show that.
    It also makes us more aware, about what else is going on in the world. We all need to pay attention to what is around us. Sometimes we take life for granted, while some people have to struggle for food and water. We should never take things for granted.
    And lastly, they show that we can become big things in our life, if we set our mind to it. We dont’ need to be smart, just got to be proactive about it.

  3. Shayna
    I agree with you to an extent. The world does need to be free of greed and war. They are evil things that have done much harm. However I believe all things are a two-sided coin and that you should try not to judge until you’ve heard both sides of a story. War is horrible but as seen in WWII it is sometimes nesaccary to defend people. Evil will always be in the world and we must be vigilant. This means that sometimes we must take up arms to defend what is good in the world. We have to hold on to whatever scrap of honor and decency we can find and sometimes that means we cannot be pacifists. As for greed, have you considered how much greed has done to improve the world? Albeit many problems have risen from greed, it still has brought plenty of progress to society. Many things a part of our every day life is from someone somewhere wanting it. You probably see this as just a dream or a goal but it is greed. The men who settled Canada wanted its resources and wealth for themselves. Most would not have been thinking how this could benefit all people but of how it could make their lives better. From that greed rose our nation. We and all the good we have done would not exist if not for those men who sought riches and glory.

  4. As for the esteemed Mr. Chaplin’s speech it is in many ways true. In our lives we shelter ourselves from our humanity in many cases and call it progress. We need more humanity. So often men and women hide behind their masks of machinery and brutishness that we cannot see the humanity of our world. We delude ourselves with talk of progress and a better world when we are just moving further into the veil that the brutes Chaplin spoke of have put around us. What we need is to think about the people. Not just ourselves but everyone. We should not be considering ourselves not as them and us, but as we. To be truly one and to share in the humanity is what we need.

  5. Great quote: I cannot promise it will be easy. But I can promise it will be worth it.

    There is much we have to do in life. Not all of it will be pleasant but we must always be moving forward through the hardship. A leader is meant to do this. they must go through the pain to achieve greatness and be the man or woman they are meant to be. But more than just that they must have compassion. Understanding one another is the greatest goal of mankind. With understanding we will truly be united as a race and not just countries and governments.

  6. Leaders have to know what they are doing, and be good at it, because if you are leading someone to do something and you don’t know what you are doing, than what good are you?

  7. I believe that these videos show that if we want to we can all be leaders in our society today. If you believe you can achieve.

  8. I agree with Kaylen. Most people expect recignition for whatever they do, but Charlie Chaplin just said his speech to get the word out there. People need to keep in mind the fact that world needs to change.

  9. Anyone in the world has the potential to become a leader. If someone were to be a leader it is something earned not given. People will follow those that they feel are worthy. Those who become leaders realize that the world contains many people whom have hardships. In some third world countries people are struggling to live and don’t even have clean water. Of those who notice that, the ones that become leaders are the ones who actually have the goal to help others. In society today many take what they have for granted such as clean water, warm food and shelter. Some are also corrupt with greed and become lazy with technology. Leaders in our society are the ones, who volunteer, or those who go out of their way to help someone. To become a leader one needs to be compassionate and realize that the world is not about them, and not only that but be as the firsts video quotes “be the change you want to be in the world”

  10. Charlie chaplin is a role model to many of us his video was very inpirational to many people including myself are inspired by that video im pretty sure that has changed people lives and think differently , some will not think the same way they will be one of those people that will not even listen to charlie and think the same even after watching the video those people must change , those 3 minutes of that video really did change my life , after it im gonna think positive no matter what happens , i wanna be a nice person not a mean person no like mean people everyone likes sweet , caring , kind and most of all nice and thanks to Charlie i can achive that achieve that thanks to him , thank you Charlie Chaplin im probabaly not the only person that is saying this there’s probably millions thanking him for such an amazing speech , I love his movies , could you imagine the movies he would be making if he was still alive ? they would be amazing just like his speech , Now that’s enough im done bye.

  11. this video was realy inspiring and truly one the best speechs i ever herd and love this video it realy shows how the world whould be if people started loving not hating. he made a point when we can change the world by treating each others better.

  12. Those videos are so inspiring and REAL, unlike every other video you will find and watch, that are like “Oh, it is so terrible!” Then you often find a “Like us on Facebook!” Message. Those people are stating a problem, and then wanting attention in return. But these videos are real, and I don’t think they even care about Facebook.

  13. I really enjoyed these two videos. The second one was amazing, pointing out that more then cleverness, we need kindness. The technology now is so advanced hat there is no need for human emotions. We very well could be robots, controlled by the crafty marketers and salesmen. In life we need more people that care about the homeless, or people in 3rd world cultures, instead of ones that are hell-bent on their own personal gains. There needs to be more people in the world that actually care about others more then themselves that realize there are people that out there that are suffering that need their help.

  14. I loved this video! Charlie Chaplin is one of my favorite actors. This inspirational speech should be seen by EVERYONE! We are humans and we are not to be controlled. As humans, we feel! We embrace! We should have a world free of greed and suffering!

  15. Those videos are very inspirational. The speech talks about how humans are becoming greedier and that we should start using our power to make everyone happy. We can become leaders by working together and dreaming big.

  16. Both the videos were inspiring in so many ways. They made me stop and think, really think what it meant to be a leader. What it means to break boundries and show ones potential. Everyone has a diffrent amount of potential, but everyone has enough potential that when put into use in the proper way CAN change the world. If people put aside their differences and stop for a minute to truly open their eyes and look around them, they would see that if we put EVERYONES potential together, we would have and be the best leaders the world has to offer.

  17. The videos show how if you believe you will succeed. You can try anything you want no one is stopping you. If you dont try you will never know if you will ever succeed.

  18. These videos were so inspiring. The Greatest Speech Ever Made was great because of many reasons. It should make us know that we are one, one together. “You’re not a machine. You’re men!” Was a very intense saying but its correct. We are human and we do not deserve to be used, if where used why can’t they be used? We should understand in the video Lead Out Loud that we should go for our goals and never give up, ever. We can do amazing things in life if we try.

  19. The two videos taught to make my dreams come true. I will be positive and face my fears of chickens. I play the game of life that means like, joining in the games and living a good life. I’ll think big and climb a mountain some day.

  20. I think this video is very inspiring and will show others that they shouldn’t be afraid to stand out and be who you are. Also to lead when others may not choose to. Also that maybe you should not be scared to shine through when others don’t. It also inspired me to not be scared of whoi need to be and also that i need to come out of the shadows.

  21. I think those videos that we watched are very inspirational. The lead out loud video tells how you should takes chances, take risks, face your fears and go for your dreams. It tells how everyone has potential to be a leader someday. All of those quotes that it said in the video are very important statements. And for the other video; the Charlie Chaplin speech is also a great and inspiring video. It made me realize all the wars and new inventions that are coming out so quickly are making us greedy and wanting more. The world shouldn’t be ran by greed and selfishness. We only want what the present society offers. The world is ran by the media. It has to change for a better future.

  22. Well, these people who made these videos obviously wlould love to show people of how big of a difference in the world. So far as the video featuring Charlie Chaplin suprised me, I always thought he was a goofy movie maker. It was surprising to find him speaking so much truth and knowledge of the world. A very smart man. Also the inspiration will influence many to try and change what’s wrong with the world now. 🙂

  23. Everyone can learn a thing or two from these insperational videos. “The greatest speech ever made” was in fact the greatest oration ever made in my own point of view. These insperational videos can very much easily change anyone’s perspective on the world and life. These videos say that we should not waste our time with hatred, in fact we should work together.

  24. I think this is very inspirational. Leadership is a very important part of life, you should try it. (Don’t be a sheep, you’ll go nowhere.) Leading a group is a hardship, but you will succeed in life by doing it.

  25. These videos are very inspirational and a good spirit raiser. The video with the sun screen really inspired me in the way to enjoy life and learn not to worry about the future. Thank you for the great videos

  26. To be honest, I found the first video very cliched and a bit repetitive, although still very good, and interesting to listen to. I found the second speech by Charlie Chaplin much more inspiring and a lot more interesting. They were both very good and inspiring, in their own right, and I enjoyed both of them. Although neither really moved me emotionally, but that’sprobably because I’ve heard them both many times before. Still both very enjoyable.

  27. These two videos are the most inspirational videos I have ever seen. We need to change the world by ourselves. Everyone has been turning greedy and selfish from so many years of wanting more and through all our technology and wars that we need to show everyone that we can’t be controlled by others and the media, or want things more than we need. We have to be leaders and role models for others. We need to be ourselves and never give up on what we achieve and aspire for and to show the world that there’s no need for greed and selfishness.

  28. this was very inspiring! it teaches us that greed is a major concern in our present society 🙂

  29. The video was inspirational because it tells us how life is, and now we know what is going on in the world. There are alot of stuff going on in the world like war and people being greedy. The world needs to be peaceful and we need to change for are future.

  30. Everyone has the potential to be a leader, but only a special few can be a truly inspirational leader. Whether your leading men and women into battle or helping someone get though a hard time, as long as you always try to be true to yourself and to others, you are a leader. Being a leader is no easy thing, but the reward is like nothing else in this world.

  31. i think that this speech is very inspiring because it tells you to dream big and stuff. But what I diden’t really like about this video was that it had alot of cliches in it so it got repetitive in saying some of the same stuff over and over.

  32. The speech Charlie Chaplin gave was a major eye opener. It spoke so many truths about the world and the people who inhabit it. He reminds us that WE have the power to change and make decisions. WE have the power to be kind and help others. we are not to be controled and and listen blindly like submissive dogs. Instead we have to take control of our own lives.

  33. Those videos were very inspiring. The speech and the Lead Out Loud video were great. And is trying to tell you to Lead, take chances, and try to achieve your goal. I think the Speech and the Lead Out Loud were very inpirational.

  34. This video is good. It is inspiring and teaches us how to respect and the world shouldn’t be ran by greed.

  35. Being a leader doesn’t mean that people follow you, it means that you are worth following. If you live your life everyday, not for the purpose of helping yourself, but with the intention of helping others, you are, in essence, a leader.

  36. This video is very inspiring. It gives you a very big message on what life has to offer. Life has good and bad aspects to give each and every one of us. There may be points in life where you have to risk your life. Like the war for instance, people go out to fight for our freedom and liberty. While there is others out there starving to death,trying to survive off of the little dirty water that they have left. Some people go out of their way to do anything they can for others. But then the people out there can’t even be bothered to even give someone some warm food to eat. You need to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around you, there are other people around the world who have dreams and wishes to and we all need to stop making everyone do our work for us and start doing things on our own. Life isn’t something we can just turn on and off whenever we want, things happen for a reason and we don’t know why some things happen, but they just do.

  37. The video lead out loud was a really good video to show the people that how you have the right to do everything- dream of what you want, take a risk and acheive your goal. This video will tell everyone that come out of your fear and see the world.

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